Fund-raising events, such as the VAWZ Annual Golf Day, are well supported and help raise much needed funds for our operations.

VAWZ is a registered Private Voluntary Organisation PVO # 38/16

Much of our fund-raising is carried out by the VAWZ Fund-raising Committee through holding functions, special events, and soliciting donations, as well as seeking donations of materials for VAWZ’ work, both within Zimbabwe and externally. Fund-raising overseas is carried out by external organisations and approved individuals, such as VAWZ UK, which is a Registered Charity in that country. International animal welfare organisations continue to support our work, both financially and through shared expertise and experience.

VAWZ Banking Details

All donations are receipted and are tax deductible. Donations are always needed and gratefully received! For all payments, proof of payment should be emailed to [email protected]. Payment references should be clear and specific.


CABS Platinum | Account Name: Veterinarians for Animal Welfare Zimbabwe | Account #: 1003126383

Dedicated ECOCASH merchant line 150805 (VAWZ)

Zimbabwe Nostro Account United States dollars (US$)
Beneficiary Bank Name: Nedbank Zimbabwe Ltd
14th Floor Old Mutual Centre, Cnr 3rd Street / Jason Moyo Ave Harare Zimbabwe
Beneficiary Name: Veterinarians for Animal Welfare Zimbabwe
Beneficiary Account: 11991063902
Swift Code: MBCAZWHX
Intermediary Bank: SCBLUS33
Standard Chartered Bank
1095 Avenue of The Americas
New York NY10036

South Africa

Standard Bank Graaf-Reinet | Account Name: Veterinarians for Animal Welfare Zimbabwe | Account #: 186623062 | Swift Code: SBZA.ZA.JJ | Iban #: 051001

United Kingdom

The Co-operative Bank VAWZ UK | Sort Code: 08-92-99 | Account No: 67258866 |CO-OP Bank IBAN: GB85CPBK08929967258866

© copyright VAWZ 2019. Please read our Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy.

VAWZ is a registered Private Voluntary Organisation PVO # 38/16

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